While creditors and lenders are often portrayed as aggressive in their pursuit of past-due debts, we are equally determined to protect their rights. Their success comes from securing past-due debts owed to them. Our success comes from getting results on their behalf in the form of judgments and timely collection.
Running a successful credit agency requires you to employ vast resources to recover bad debts and protect your rights in bankruptcy proceedings. Long durations and large accounts receivables negatively affect your bottom line.
We take the steps necessary to protect your best business interests by garnishing wages, filing property liens and repossessing collateral.
Dedicated Legal Advocacy for Nebraska and Western Iowa Creditors
While the focus of bankruptcy proceedings commonly involves debtors filing Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 protection, we provide equal protection to area creditors. Throughout the entire process, we help with the following:
● Identifying debtor fraud
● Disputing specific debt discharges
● Defending against accusations of malicious conduct in collections
● Challenging automatic stays
Debtors retain skilled legal representation to protect themselves. As a creditor, you need to do the same. Contact our Omaha law firm to discuss the challenges you face in debt collection. We can help. Email us or call a lawyer at 800-561-3551.
At Koukol & Johnson, LLC, we know that for our clients’ businesses to succeed they need certainty that debts owed to them will be paid fully and without delay. We know that when debtors fail to make good on their obligations, our clients’ bottom line suffers.
Our business attorneys have extensive experience representing banks, credit unions, and other lenders and businesses when debtors consistently miss payments. We get results for our clients by securing judgments against debtors and following up to ensure timely collection.
We represent banks and other businesses in any action where they are attempting to collect from a debtor. We protect our clients’ interests when debtors pursue bankruptcy actions to discharge debts, and we represent them in other adversarial proceedings. We have successfully represented our business clients during foreclosure actions and secured default judgments in their favor.
We also have considerable experience securing continuing liens for our creditor clients. We understand the process of garnishment interrogatories and know-how to ensure that our clients can collect from a debtor’s employer when other collection options have been unsuccessful. We do whatever it takes to get our clients the money they are owed.
When your business’s finances are on the line, turn to an experienced lawyer to help you obtain the money you are due. Contact our firm to discuss your collection needs. Call 800-561-3551 or email us. We offer weekend consultations by appointment and can meet at your place of business.
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Starting the process of divorce mediation, real estate purchases or estate planning requires attention to every detail. Throughout the entire process, we remain at your side and devote our resources to ensure your personal or professional success.
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