When you started your limited liability company (LLC), the last thing you probably had on your mind was ending it. Many LLCs are created for specific purposes, however, and when that purpose has been served, its members may think about winding up the company. LLCs may also terminate due to member retirement, conflict, or death; state administrative or judicial orders; failure of the business; or other reasons. 

Regardless of the reason for terminating an LLC, there are procedures that must be followed to legally end it. If an LLC is not properly terminated, it continues to exist as a legal entity that is obligated to pay taxes and fees and file annual reports. In addition, it may be sued and could be vulnerable to identity theft. 

Ways an LLC Can Be Dissolved

Creating an LLC involves filing paperwork with the state and forming a legal entity that is separate from its members. Dissolution refers to the first step in the process of terminating an LLC as a separate legal entity. 

Dissolutions fall into three general categories: voluntary, administrative, and judicial. 

Steps to Dissolve and Wind Up an LLC

As mentioned, dissolving an LLC is just the first step in terminating the business. After dissolution, the LLC must take additional steps before it is formally ended. This is known as “winding up” the LLC. 

Here are the steps to follow to legally terminate an LLC: 

  1. File dissolution paperwork. Starting—and ending—an LLC begins with filing state documentation. Dissolution at the state level requires the LLC to file a document called Articles of Dissolution, Certificate of Dissolution, Statement of Dissolution, or something similar. This form is typically filed with the same state agency where the original LLC formation documents were filed. Some states may have additional LLC dissolution requirements, such as obtaining tax clearance and settlement of creditors’ claims. LLCs that conduct business in more than one state must file dissolution paperwork in those states as well. Once the dissolution documents are filed, the LLC is legally considered dissolved.
  1. Wind up the LLC. Once the LLC is dissolved, it must then wind up its affairs. State LLC statutes describe the steps necessary to complete the winding up process, which typically include the following: 

Again, some of these steps (e.g., paying debts and liabilities and distributing assets) may be required as part of the dissolution filing. And there may be obligations at the federal as well as the state level. 

Closing a Business Is a Lot of Work. We Can Help. 

Ending your LLC can take as much effort as starting it. But failing to legally dissolve and wind up the business can have serious repercussions. These risks can be avoided by terminating your LLC in accordance with the law. To make sure your LLC complies with every legal requirement, consider consulting our small business attorneys. We can help you ensure that all the necessary steps are taken to legally end your LLC.